Our Beliefs

We make room for big questions. Faith is a journey, and wherever you are on yours – we’re here to help and travel along with you.


Most of us have a strong affinity for Jesus. We appreciate his story and mission of helping the marginalized. Some of us even think he’s the Messiah.


Most of us believe there is a God that created the world; however, our concepts of God vary vastly. Whatever you think or don’t believe is welcome here.

The Bible

We like asking big questions, especially about the “big” books. Generally speaking, we take the Bible seriously, not literally.


You won’t find the language of sin used here. Instead, we focus on how to best show up for ourselves and each other.

Holy Trinity

Some of us believe in the Holy Trinity, while others don’t. We’re flexible.

Praise & Gratitude

Like everything else here, our beliefs vary. We believe in giving praise to God, the Universe, our Ancestors, Mother Nature, and more.


We believe if there is a heaven, we’re all going.

Ecumenical & Expansive

This probably isn’t a surprise, but we don’t believe there’s one way to embody faith. Our community is theologically ecumenical and intellectually expansive.

Our theological beliefs vary...

...but our core values unite us.

  • Intentionality

    We can’t guarantee the impact of our actions, but we like to move in the world like we mean it — with love and compassion.

  • Queer-focused, Black-led

    More than open and affirming, we are queer-centered and Black-led from conceptualization.

  • Good is Possible

    We believe good still exists despite what the world says, and even more good is possible.

  • Grace

    We’re all still learning. That’s why we focus on grace. It’s the greatest gift we can give or receive.

  • Centered on the Margins

    We all get what we need when we center the most marginalized among us.

  • Culture is Created

    Culture is created. That’s why we are intentional about our language, policies, and programming.

  • Faith in Action

    Faith is more than feelings or beliefs. It’s showing up for others when we need each other the most.

  • Accountability

    Good intentions aren’t enough. Holding each other accountable keeps us aligned with our morals and values.